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We recommend the following resources for those who would like to begin or continue their healing journey. We are here to support you in this life-giving, transformational work.
Recommended Books:
“Naked Surrender” by Andrew Comiskey
“Strength in Weakness” by Andrew Comiskey
“Boundaries” by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
“Soul Care” by Dr. Rob Reimer
“The Body Keeps the Score” by Dr. Bessel vander Kolk
“Unwanted” by Jay Springer “The Emotionally Healthy Leader” by Peter Scazzero
Elizabeth Halliburton - listen to her on the Rebuild our Church Podcast with January & Anglela
Adam Young Encounter Podcast Cleaning Up The Mental Mess,
Dr. Caroline Leaf Restoring the Soul Podcast
Accountability Software:
Freedom Prayer - contact Hope Church This ministry strengthens your relationship with God by addressing agreements and lies that result in a distant or fear-based relationship with Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, we come to understand the areas of the heart that need healing. Through this focused prayer, there is restoration to the heart of the Father.
Restoring the Foundations - Hope Church This ministry addresses issues related to healing and freedom from life's deepest hurts and wounds. This ministry uses an integrated approach that encompasses the whole person by addressing generational history, lies that have become a part of a belief system, deep hurts from childhood wounding, and demonic oppression. As wounds heal and powerful truths of God's love and peace are received, individuals experience more wholeness.
ABSOLUTE Ministries A local, faith-based, positive housing option for men and women who have completed a drug or alcohol inpatient rehab program and want to live for Jesus. Aaron McPherson, 406-270-1313,
LIVING WATERS NATIONAL OFFICE website has an abundance of resources.

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